Thursday, June 09, 2005

What if......
I've been doing most of my surfings now from airports. Bored and tired.
Looking forward to get home, and sleep on my own bed again.

Best bed in the world.
Changi Airport. One of my favourite. Efficient, quiet, comfortable and with a lot of facilities.

BTW, am tying this standing up. Yup, one of those free internet access points but quite fast and efficient. Though not as fast as the one in LAX.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Am in Singapore. Kota Singa.... been here since Monday night. Actually reached here after midnight. What a flight.... sendiri cari... hati punya mau...

Anyhow, Singapore is a great city though people are less friendlier than most other places I normally visit.

Tired and will be tiring..... on going.... non stop.
I've been diagnosed with 'Tension Headache' on Monday, 6/6/05. Started with a headache on Saturday that turned very severe on Sunday and persisting till Monday.

What a life?

What's life if full of care?

Am I wasting my time here?

Am I wasting my precious life?

I don't really know what I am doing?

Day in, day out, I'm wasting time doing something I dislike....

And it stresses me out.....