Friday, October 26, 2007


What is forgiveness...

creating a clean slate. when i was child, we used a lot of 'kosong-kosong' (nil-nil) meaning nothing against one another. that is enough to seek and agree on forgiveness

i learned later about forgive but not forget.... i agree


In my life....
I don't care about a lot of things....
One thing I care about....
I care A LOT!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's Syawal

Ramadhan this year, 1428, is very meaningful....

Future Ramadhan will NEVER be the same again.......

9995 = 14041416

I'm in love with an angel

Yes, it's true....
I am truly in love with an angel.....
who I haven't yet met......
that I may or may not meet....
but love is blind....
I am in love with an angel


Sorry....blur sikit

Life Goes On.................................................



What are they?
What are they for?
You have secrets?
Everyone does....I think....
What is the highest level of secrecy?
National Security?

Let me think and get back to you