Wednesday, July 29, 2009


One of the challenges being away from home is in getting the stuffs we take for granted at home. "Kicap Manis", "Cili Kering", "Belacan", "Brahim", "Kepala Ikan", "Daun Limau Purut", "Durian", "Serai", "Ikan Bilis", "Rempah-ratus", "Bawang Goreng", "Pulut" and "Santan" are among the essentials of our cookings that are not easily obtainable. Usually, China Town is the place to head to in looing for these - though you still need to hunt around in the various shops there. During our previous stay here, we also used to go to a supermarket in Manchester called Wing Yip that has all these under one roof. To our pleasant surprise, a few weeks ago we came across a huge supermarket Wing Yip in North London.

A trip there proved to be very fruitful and the Salmon heads make very sumptuous Kari Kepala Ikan....and at 85 Pence per head, it's a steal. We also stocked up on the other essentials. Interestingly, in our few visits there, we always meet Malaysians doing their shoppings and we even had a cashier speaking to us in Bahasa Malaysia once.

Apart from the above, Wing Yip is also a good place to get seafoods - both fresh and frozen. The kids were surprised to see live lobsters being sold and also numerous fishes in tanks. The good thing about the place is also the abundant parking spaces available and the generally good layout of the supermarket.

Of course this is one of the few places where the 'mat saleh' works for asians.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How do you pay for Parking in the UK?

I've used the followings to pay for parkings here;

1 - Coins
2 - Notes (Paper money)
3 - Credit Cards
4 - Mobile Phone

Example of parking machine that accepts card, coin and mobile phone payment (the keypad is for entering the PIN; all card payments here, both debit and credit cards, have PIN)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Windy Portsmouth

Portsmouth is a waterfront city about 84 miles (135 km) South West of London. A friend said, it would be a good day trip destination and less than 24 hours after that we made our way there. Well, we sort of did not have much planned for the weekend anyway.

That's also generally how take up our travel plans. Back in Malaysia, our parents know that most of the times, the earliest they'll know that we were going back (Balik Kampung) would be when we were on our way - somewhere along the PLUS Highway. Anyhow, I digressed.....back to Portsmouth.

There are numerous sea-fronting attractions for visitors there ranging from historic forts and fortresses to arcade style parks complete with rollercoasters. However, when were there, the only thing that is unforgetable is the was relentlessly blowing and we heard some shows/activities had to be cancelled because of it.

There are also ferry services to the Isle of Wight. It's the type that carries passengers and cars. Unfortunately, with a day trip we did not have enough time to take the ferry there. Insya-Allah, maybe next time.

An attraction of Portsmouth is the Gumwharf Quay shopping area which hosts a congregation of well-known branded outlets. We made a quick stop there and it is a really nice. The parking for a start is great as it's designed to help you find an empty spot visually from afar without having to drive around looking for one.

Based on our quick look, the prices there are good in comparison to normal high street outlets.

One of the interesting features there is a tall tower that on first sight looked like the Burj al-Arab in us at least. Managed to get a few photos of it and my favourite is the one from a dock (which is actually behind the wet market there - and smelled of fish too, quite badly; but to be able to get the photograph from that angle was worth the stink).

Before making our return trip home, we decided to look for the Central Mosque there but unfortunately it was closed. A lesson for us, if going to a mosque apart from Regent's Park Mosque, make sure it's during prayer times.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Eventhough it rains nearly everyday, but we are not going to let that affect our enjoyment of summer, however brief (and cold!!!!.....and wet) that's going to be.

We purchased a gas barbecue set earlier on (it was on sale with 30% off....heh....heh...) and finally after spending hours assembling it, we decided to have our first barbecue 'party'. Well...not really a party, just invited some friends over with their families.

The barbecue set works wonder and with the hood closed, the effects on the meat is simply fabulous. We had lamb ribs in Jamaican jerk marinade, 2 versions of chickens (barbecue grill and our favourite....traditional satay) - the first two were bought and the last one was homemade.

Alhamdulillah the weather held up fine yesterday and apart from slight drizzle, it was great.

Unfortunately, no photo....but I will get a photo of our barbecue set up soon.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Best Playground

We went to another park near our place. Queen's Park is a relatively small park not far from Islamia Girls School. The park is opened to public and during summer it's opened until 9PM (it's still bright).

Apart from the big field, there are also tennis court and a children playground which was great. Our kids love it. In fact, our 6 year-old declared that it's "the Best Playground I've been to". There are 3-4 sections in the playground with different types of play areas from sand-box (gigantic one according to our 6 yo), slides and swings, balancing area to a flying fox. And guess what's their favourite.......flying fox of course.

Unlike most other places, the ground is covered with wood pulp instead of synthetic materials and it's really nice walking on them.

The whole playground area which is restricted to those under 12 is gated and at the entrance there is also a paddling pool. It was closed when we got there but that would be a sure attraction the next time we go there.

The park also have a recycling centre and constant upkeep ensures that the facilities are in good condition.