- Melaka Chief Minister Ali Rustam also used his speech to criticise PAS’ hardline interpretation on Islam, alleging that "it has been teaching perverse Islamic teaching since its establishment".
He said PAS leaders was obsessed with sex when they issued the edict that the handshake between men and women is haram (unlawful).
"How can they say it is haram for a woman to shake hands with men. The act only becomes haram if it arouses one’s sexual desire."
"I don’t know about PAS leaders but we don’t get arouse just by shaking hands with women. Is sex the only thing in their mind?" he asked, drawing laughter from the delegates.
in light of this....
- Shaking hands with women who one is not mahram to
Question: Why has Islaam forbidden shaking hands with women who one is not mahram to? And does one’s wudhoo. became nullified if he shakes the hand of a woman without desire?
Response: Islaam has forbidden that (shaking hands with women who one is not mahram to) because of the fitnah (which exists therein) and the greatest fitnah is for a man to touch the skin of a woman (ajnabiyyah); and everything which leads to any fitnah has been legislatively forbidden. Therefore, one is commanded to divert his sight as a preventative measure. As for one who touches his wife, then this does not nullify the wudhoo. Even if it is done with desire, until any prostractic fluid (mathee) or semen (manee) is ejaculated. So this then obligates him to perform ghusl if only semen is ejaculated and if it is (simply) mathee (prostractic fluid) then it is sufficient to wash the private parts and make wudhoo.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen
Fataawa an-Nadthar wal-Khulwah wal-Ikhtilaat - Page 10
and this...
- Question: Some tribes have customs that go against the pure Sharee'ah. For example, in some places it is customary for the guest to shake the hands of the female host. If he does not do so, it will lead to lots of problems and people will understand it in different ways. What is the best practice to follow given those circumstances?
Response: Shaking the hands of a woman for whom one is not mahram is not allowed. This is based on what is confirmed from the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) Who said, when the women were giving the pledge of allegiance to him, "I do not shake the hands of women." It is also confirmed that 'Aa.ishah said, "By Allaah, the hand of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) never touched another woman [other than his wives]. He used to take their pledges verbally only." Allaah has said, "Indeed in the Messenger of Allaah you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in [the meeting with] Allaah and the Last Day and remembers Allaah much" (al-Ahzaab 21). Furthermore, shaking hands by women with men that are not mahram is one of the means that leads to temptation for both of them and it is obligatory to avoid it. There is no harm in saying greetings without shaking hands. Any speech of a questionable nature or soft speech must be avoided. This is based on Allaah's statement, {O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women. If you keep your duty [to Allaah, then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire, but speak in an honourable manner}, [al-Ahzaab 32]. During the time of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) the women would greet him and ask him questions that were concerning them. This is also how the women used to ask the Companions of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) questions concerning matters of concern to them. There is no harm in women shaking hands with mahram men, such as their fathers, paternal uncles, Maternal Uncles and so forth.
Shaykh Ibn Baaz
Fataawa al-Mar.ah
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