Wednesday, July 02, 2003


bismi.gif (3394 bytes)A lot of my friends are wondering why I have become a muslim - what is this Islam? Well, I should begin by telling you that it is not just a religion, it is also the 'divine law' which works throughout nature. Islam means surrender - the whole universe is an act of love & obedience and nothing can escape its own destiny. Once you begin to acknowledge the existence of this supreme plan, then you have reached the stage where all paths lead to the one truth - and you become at peace with yourself, in beautiful submission with ALLAH.

The Sun

sun "Consider the Sun, and its lightness

And the Moon reflecting it

And the morning manifest it openly

And the night veil over it

And the heavenly sky and

Who made it

And the earth and

Who spread it

And the Human soul and

Who perfects it

So endowing it with a conscience to choose between evil and good"

"Adore not the sun nor the moon but adore Allah,

Who created them, if it is He that you serve"

The Qur'an 41.37

It's from here.

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