Saturday, October 18, 2003

there you go, months has gone by....beberapa purnama telah berlalu .... a few things has happened since. the best one is our visit back to Malaysia late August for a couple of weddings. my brother and my sister got married (not to one another, of course) & they decided to do it during the same time. good excuse to deprive me of excuses for not attending.

as of yesterday, yes, 17 October 2003, I'm free from my studies. Just submitted my research thesis and hopefully things will work out fine. what's the plan for the future? dunno. a lot of things still to come & we are braving the days together.

one step at a time... one day at a time .... LIFE GOES ON!!!! We'll get there insya-Allah (God willing).

what has happened in the world? a lot. what have I contributed to the world? would like to be able to say 'a lot' but don't thing I can do so.

Formula 1 2003 has ended with another win for Ferrari & Schumacher.... a lot more interesting than last year's. RWC is in Australia & I'm barracking for The ALL BLACKS. England is good though. Would be interesting.

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