Sunday, December 14, 2003

When can Ummi come home?

I was having a 'discussion' with my 6 year old daughter the other day & suddenly she asked me about ummi; "Abah, when can Ummi come home and doesn't go to the hospital anymore?". I couldn't answer that; I suppose, the experience of the last 6 months are affecting them (she & her brother) but in their own ways, they must be trying to deal with it. The only thing I could offer was, "Insya-Allah, when Ummi is well, she'll come home and will not be going back to the hospital anymore. Kakak du'a untuk ummi okay." And she smiled & nodded her head.

Things are still not looking good & it is really straining her patience and strength. I pray that we will be able to continue this journey & may it ends soon with her full recovery. & my daughter can have her mummy home all the time as she's used to.

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