Friday, January 09, 2004

Another one that came up two nights ago & I think this is really interesting + I had difficulty with it.

"Abah, what shape is one dee?"

"One dee?"

"Yes 1-D, like 2-D & 3-D"

Trying to see whether she knew what she's talking about, I asked. "What shape is 3-D?"

"Hmmm... you know like us.... hmmm.... a cube"

"How about 2-D?"

"A square"

Buying some time, "That's good".

And she persisted, "So, what shape is 1-D?"

"Let me think - a dot, a very small dot". I was thinking along the line of something without width or depth.

"How small?"

"Very-very small"

"Is it smaller than germs?"


"Is it real"

"Yes it is" - without much thinking.

"Wow, germ is the smallest thing I know"

Then trying to be a dad whole tell new things to her child & take her off the 1-D subject.

"Actually atom is smaller than germs, everything is made up of atom - all these small atoms"

"Wow, are they smaller than the 1-D dot?"

argghhh...... "not really. You can only imagine the 1-D dot."

"But is the 1-D dot real then?"

I did say real. "No, not really - you can only imagine it"

"okay, maybe after this you can tell me a 4-D shapes"

"4-D shapes are not real & you cannot imagine them" - I guess you actually can mathematically.

"Abah, can you tell me about 100-D shape one day?"

"hmmmmmm, is it not your bedtime yet?"

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