Saturday, September 24, 2005

Games with Kids

My kids enjoy playing the game where you ask, "Which country (place etc) has .....?"

Germany - many germ?
Palestine - many palaces?
Norway - not street / road?
Japan - you can use to write a lot?
Singapore - a lot of lions?
Hungary - always hungry?
Iceland - a lot of ice?
Greenland - very green?
I went to Petaling Street today. My first visit this year. Even though I usually end up not buying anything but still like to check-out the offerings. Old habits (since my student days) die hard.

Anyhow, while waiting for my wife to buy ice-cream for my son in the 7-Eleven there, I ended up looking at EPL/Serie A jerseys on sale at one of the stalls. The 'sales-person' (looks like a Bangladeshi to me) tried extremely hard to sell them to me.

I asked whether they have Man U's.

Failing to find Man U, he started offering me "Samsung", "Siemen", "Carlsberg", "Vodaphone" etc..... I quickly walked away.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

September for us

Forgot to mention.

Our birthdays were last Thursday & Friday. Anniversary on the 9th. Sept is really a busy month for us. We had dinner at Seri Angkasa. Good experience, great view but don't go there for the food.

Well, back to the birthdays.... this year on Sat is the first time I've received birthday gift from my children. It a pen from my 8 yo daughter and what really makes it special is the fact that she bought it from money she had saved from her pocket money....... I am so touched, happy, proud...... thank you dearie......

My son gave me one of his wonderful craft. He loves making them and will never forget to make on for me and his ummi. Thanks dear
Someone approached my other half yesterday with the million dollar question (literally).

TP: "Ma'am, are you interested if I'm telling you that you can be a millionaire in 2 years?"

MO0.5: "What's this? MLM?"

TP: "No, we are not MLM, we are from SBB Mutuals*".

MO0.5: "If it's not MLM, I'm willing to listen?**"

TP: "It's best if you join our seminar session."

MO0.5: "Huh? ***"

TP: "Yes, you can join us every Wednesday night at 8.30pm."

MO0.5: "Oh, sorry, I can't."

TP: "Why can't you?"

MO0.5: "I've got school going children and I don't have maid."

TP: "Hmmm.... why don't you have maid?"

MO0.5: "Well, I don't want my children to be brought-up by complete strangers. People we don't know anything abt."

TP: "Ooooo... okay... thanks for your time...."

WHAT WENT WRONG? No millionaire then.....

* I remember reading in the newspaper last weekend abt a 22 year old millionaire from SBB Mutuals.
** Long story here, won't bore you with it. Or maybe next time - basically around lives and business - no work life balance.
*** My written expression of her facial/body & vocal expression.
Am going to Bangkok this week. Well, nothing much to tell except that to those looking for halal meals in Bangkok, there's a great (as in good food, friendly service) place for halal/malay Thai food in Sukhumvit. Called "Usman", this place serve all the familiar dishes you can find in any Thai seafood warung in Malaysia & to top it off, they speak Malay.

Best direction I can give is, it's located next to Imperial Queen's Park Hotel (from the hotel - it's on the left - the little street right on the left of the hotel, there's a signboard and while it doesn't look like an eating joint can exist there, just keep walking in & you won't miss it. I think it's Soi 10 but not sure, will check and update.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Went to the kids' school's family day. Taman Tasik Perdana - good outing for all.

My 5 yo son entered a competition with my wife. Mum read from a list and child to find the things in a pile. 1st thing in the list - a book. Guess what, my son lost. He insisted to know the title of 'the book'.....

Friday, September 02, 2005

Yesterday I saw hundreds of people riding motorbikes without helmet.
Yesterday I saw a couple on motorbikes without helmet with the wife holding a baby in her arms.
Yesterday I saw people coming back to their homeland & being very happy with it.
Yesterday I saw hundreds of people waiting the the airport's concoure waiting for loved-ones.

This morning I saw a basket being lowered to be filled with provision and then raised to the upper floors.
This morning I was charged US$4 for a laundry bag from the hotel.
This morning I saw all the things I saw yesterday, again.