Sunday, September 18, 2005

Someone approached my other half yesterday with the million dollar question (literally).

TP: "Ma'am, are you interested if I'm telling you that you can be a millionaire in 2 years?"

MO0.5: "What's this? MLM?"

TP: "No, we are not MLM, we are from SBB Mutuals*".

MO0.5: "If it's not MLM, I'm willing to listen?**"

TP: "It's best if you join our seminar session."

MO0.5: "Huh? ***"

TP: "Yes, you can join us every Wednesday night at 8.30pm."

MO0.5: "Oh, sorry, I can't."

TP: "Why can't you?"

MO0.5: "I've got school going children and I don't have maid."

TP: "Hmmm.... why don't you have maid?"

MO0.5: "Well, I don't want my children to be brought-up by complete strangers. People we don't know anything abt."

TP: "Ooooo... okay... thanks for your time...."

WHAT WENT WRONG? No millionaire then.....

* I remember reading in the newspaper last weekend abt a 22 year old millionaire from SBB Mutuals.
** Long story here, won't bore you with it. Or maybe next time - basically around lives and business - no work life balance.
*** My written expression of her facial/body & vocal expression.

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