Saturday, December 02, 2006

A few things happened to me over the last couple of weeks. I am planning to buy a car. Any idea?

Friday, November 03, 2006

I guess I understand better something that I had received from a friend a while ago.
Let's see if I can find it - I'll share it here....

Mind Reader

Are you a mind reader?

Well, my sweetheart is. It started with her telling me that she knew when I was thinking of something.

I thought - okay....fair

Then her skill improved.... she told me that she knew what I was thinking about; not just that I was thinking of something.... I was impressed and asked her what it was that I was thinking that she knew. She did answer...

I guess, it's such a boring thing to do for those with such a talent.

Then her skill improved again... she started to tell me that I am thinking of something even when I was not thinking of anything... of course I was wrong, I should have said that she knew that I was thinking of something even when I was unaware of it.... and of course she knew what I was thinking of when I was unaware of what I was thinking of.....

I thought - that's it....

.... it's still improving...

Monday, October 16, 2006

Friday, October 13, 2006

If you understand everything, you'll forgive everything.....

Thursday, October 12, 2006

How do you know that you really love someone?

How do you know that you really love someone? Really know...

For me personally, I thought I knew that and had known that for years but I found out that I only really-really knew that when I saw the near-lifeless body of my sweetheart. Then it really hit a...well not a bomb or a speeding train...what hit me was more like a vacuum...nothingness...emptiness...whatever it was.

Suddenly I realised that deep inside my heart I really love this person in front of me. I realised that I would do anything for the person and only wished that the near-lifeless body will heal, will recuperate and be up and running again. I missed everything. I missed the smile, I missed the laughter. I also missed the smirk and nagging...even though they used to be (and still are) painful to, at times. I missed our chat, either serious or empty. I missed us being together....

That's when I realised that I love this person in front of me. That's when I promised, infront of the unconscious body, that if my sweetheart gets well, I will love her no matter what.....and it's a promise that I will not (and cannot) break, insya-Allah, for it's not a promise to my sweetheart but a promise to myself....I am accountable to my self and that means a lot to me.

That's when I prayed that my sweetheart will be well again....that's when I prayed that my sweetheart will smile again. Not the half-face smile...but full, cheerful smile. That's when I prayed that our love will survive whatever that's thrown to us. That's when I knew that I really love someone....

Now, my prayers have been answered. Sometimes, in the heat of things I forget... sometimes, with the demand of day to day life, I forget... But I guess I am lucky in a way. At night, when my sweetheart is soundly asleep...when my sweetheart is resting...when my sweetheart looks like not being conscious...I am reminded...still do...and everytime I am reminded...I am so happy...I know that I love this person.... not matter what....

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I am being blackmailed

I am being blackmailed!!!!


As a friend said, there's always the first for everything...

7 wonders of the world

7 wonders of the world.

What are they? You can find all sorts of list out there.

Today I was alerted to another list;

Ability to;
1. See
2. Hear
3. Taste
4. Touch
5. Smell
6. Laugh
7. Love

Isn't it beautiful....with all those lists out there, if this list is not available, will they be THE Wonders? or you'll be wondering...
Life Goes On...
I am in a position where an idiot is trying to start an argument (maybe have started from his perspective)...this has been happening for the past few months and it is getting worse. I need to remind myself of the quote below.

This is getting out of control as this person is not sincere in resolving the matter, instead he has a totally different agenda but does not want to admit so. I guess it is also cultural thing as this person is a foreigner.

I hate it....
Don't argue with an idiot! He'll bring you down to his level and beat you by experience....

Sunday, October 08, 2006

I was talking abt trust....100% trust....freedom and trust....

Check out this story I saw today....

A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge. The father was worried so he told his little daughter, "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."

The little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand."

"What's the difference?" asked the puzzled father.

"There's a big difference," replied the little girl. "If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go."

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting them to hold yours...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Desperate people do desperate things....

I am in front of the TV accompanying my sweetheart watching a movie, "You've Got Mail." In one of the scene, a few people are trapped in an elevator and while waiting for help, one of them suggested that they all (abt 4-5 of them trapped in there) jumped. "Why jump?" asked one. "If we all jump, the elevator thinks there's no one in it, so it will open," explained the guy who suggested...guess what they did.... jumped....

I know...I's just a movie and the script-writer and the director must have thought it's cute...but how about this...buying blackened papers believing they can be 'washed' using special chemical into bona-fide US dollar notes...writing numbers on leaves of a tree believing the numbers will be lucky and win the writer lottery...sending your daughter to be treated of bad-lucks by a man and she has to stay there for nights, alone with the man...huh....

I guess it's not just desperate but stupid....stupidity knows no boundary
I got this from my daughter last year....been sitting in my mailbox (and I've just realised that it's been close to a year). She wrote this exactly a month before her 8th birthday....


From: ***my daughter***
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 2:53 PM
To: ***me***
Subject: Thank you

Dear Abah,
thank you for sending me lots and lots of poems,
here's one for you:

Allah our Lord

Allah our Lord,
Lord of Mankind,
Allah our Lord,
Lord of our world,
Not just Lord of our world,
But Lord of the Universe.

Allah our Lord,
Nobody is Greater than him,
Allah our Lord,
We should Worship him.

Allah our Lord,
The Most Merciful The Most Kind,
Allah our Lord,
He's the only ONE God.

By ***her full name***

I hope you like it!

***my daughter***
I got this from a friend....together with a lot of other photos, but this is special...

It's Ramadhan, the Blessed Month. In fact, it's mid-way through. This year, it's been very special to me as I've been home throughout far. Last year's was spent traveling around. Still remember breaking fast at Usman in Bangkok. And that was a luxury. compared to having toast at a hotel for it at other times. So happy this time around.

Not to mention the numerous times I ended up doing terawih prayers at KLIA... breaking fast on a flight... on a cab.... queueing up in the long lines for immigration...

Friday, October 06, 2006

100% Trust

Is there such thing as 100% trust? Is it healthy? How do you manage it?
How important is trust to you?

Trust has been one of the key values in my life. It's been there since I can remmber. I was given a lot of freedom but the freedom has always been accompanied by trust. Still remember that at 13 I was allowed to roam freely with friends. Generally, no question asked. I could come home at 10pm and leave again at 11pm - though I usually get back home by midnight... Weekends used to be totally free where I used to spend time exploring the areas around our neighbourhood, swam in the lake, climbed hills which felt like mountain then. But I know that I was fully trusted by my parents and it was the key thing that stopped me from doing wrong things - smoking etc.... I remember being at a friend's place with about 10 of my friends and I was the only one not smoking. Even those who had very strict rules at home did. I just couldn't.

I used to think that trust is respected by all but slowly I realised that it is not the case. The bad thing is, once you've started, it generally got difficult to stop.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My daughter is now 8. Since a couple of months back she has been having some problems at school. It started with her note books being torn to shreds. Then one of her books had all the pages glued together...terrible things to happen to a child. I guessed it must have been some naughty boys in school. I mean, these are disruptive but 'fun' things to do in the mind of some twisted minded kids. Later she had sand being put on her desk. Bad....but i decided to let the school handle these.

However, last week something else happened. After a hiatus of nearly a month. She had 'F**k You' written on one of the note book. I found out when she asked me that night, "Dad, what does 'F**k' mean?" I was shocked and after some chat, found out what happened. The next day, I was at the school and met the headmistress and she's aware of all except for the last incident...told her everything....and I demanded that I get to meet the student and his/her parents (in my mind, this was too much and the boy/s need serious lesson). On the way back from the school I started to think what will I be doing if I were to meet them thus the previous posting. I really wanted to say that, "If you ever repeat it, I'll break your arm!" even in front of the parent. I guess I am a bit of the old-school as far as child disciplining is concerned.

Anyhow, that was last week. Yesterday I went to the school and met the headmistress again. She explained to me that they had tried to call me (that explained a couple of miss calls I had on Friday). The discipline teacher had managed to find the culprit according to the headmistress. And what shocked me was when she explained that the culprit had confessed. "She confessed, after some questionings from the discipline teacher and the evidence, including her own handwriting, shown to her." I nearly feel of the chair....she??? a girl did all those things.....arghhhhh.....what has happened????

What about my plan then.....huh...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Last week I was planning to tell an 8-year old boy that I'll break his arm...crazy was I? Don't know, but I was seriously thinking about it.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I read this a while back....act of kindness?

You know, he almost didn't see the old lady, stranded on the side of the road. But even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her. Even with the smile on his face, she was worried.

No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn't look safe, he looked poor and hungry. He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt. It was that chill which only fear can put in you. He said, "I'm here to help you ma'am. Why don't you wait in the car where it's warm? By the way, my name is Bryan."

Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt.

As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn't thank him enough for coming to her aid. Bryan just smiled as he closed her trunk.

She asked him how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She had already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped.

Bryan never thought twice about the money. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty who had given him a hand in the past...He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way.

He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance that they needed, and Bryan added " ..and think of me".

He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight.

A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat, and take the chill off before she made the last leg of her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The cash register was like the telephone of an out of work actor-it didn't ring much.

Her waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn't erase.

The lady noticed that the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Bryan.

After the lady finished her meal, and the waitress went to get change for her hundred dollar bill, the lady slipped right out the door. She was gone by the time the waitress came back. She wondered where the lady could be, then she noticed something written on the napkin under which was 4 $100 bills. There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote.

It said: "You don't owe me anything, I have been there too. Somebody once helped me out, the way I'm helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: Do not let this chain of love end with you."

Well, there were tables to clear, sugar bowls to fill, and people to serve, but the waitress made it through another day. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written.

How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard. She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, "Everything's gonna be all right; I love you, Bryan."
act of kindness...especially random is very special

Saturday, September 30, 2006

somehow....1 posting becomes
I met a guy in a car in Oman. Actually it's hotel pick-up car from the airport. As we were in a hurry, we ended up sharing an MPV to the hotel. Anyhow, talking to him about what's happening in Oman...he said something that's really good.

you screw me once, you are bad.
you screw me twice, I am bad.

Interesting huh....BTW, before you get ideas, he did not direct the above to me but was talking in general as a principle.

do you know what it means?
a couple of years back i had a terrible experience....talking abt it to a friend we both came up with an insight....

don't assume others will do something just because you would!
don't assume others will not do something just because you would not!

since then, the above has guided me in quite a number of instances and proves to be very useful indeed. i thought i should share it with you.....
I had a devastating blow when I received these in my inbox......what's happening?
These images made me sick.....

I love seeing children and their innocent expression of love - messages. I have hundreds if not thousands from my kids...basically without any need for any special occasion, they will just 'send' me wonderful greetings....Greetings from the heart. From their pure heart conveying their loves and affection.....

I just cannot believe that those same innocence can be directed to such an avenue. Do the kids know what they were writing on...and how the messages will be delivered?
Who will receive their messages?......

How about these as the recipients?

Has the world changed? Or have I been to naive.....

Repression n perception

I am not sure how I felt/what I thought when I saw's a good pointer right?

“Repression, Sir, is a habit that grows. I am told it is like making love – it is always easier the second time! The first time there may be pangs of conscience, a sense of guilt. But once embarked on this course with constant repetition you get more and more brazen in the attack.

All you have to do is to dissolve organizations and societies and banish and detain the key political workers in these societies. Then miraculously everything is tranquil on the surface. Then an intimidated press and the government-controlled radio together can regularly sing your praises, and slowly and steadily the people are made to forget the evil things that have already been done, or if these things are referred to again they are conveniently distorted and distorted with impunity, because there will be no opposition to contradict “

LEE KUAN YEW as an opposition member speaking to David Marshall, Singapore Legislative Assembly Debates, 4 October 1956

The Human Camera

The Human Camera

Stephen Wiltshire has been called the "Human Camera." In this short excerpt from the film Beautiful Minds: A Voyage into the Brain, Wiltshire takes a helicopter journey over Rome and then draws a panoramic view of what he saw, entirely from memory.

Wikipedia's entry on Stephen Wiltshire.


Today I reread most of my ramblings over the years. Not that many actually but they gave me a surreal feeling....was it like time travel? or was it more like what is felt when you enter hyperspace for a 'jump' - as in you are turned inside-out. Don't know.

Anyhow, it's been quite a while since I had last been seriously writing here. What's been happening? To the world, a lot and nothing... a lot of changes but nothing really changed. We still take pride and gain satisfaction from playing war-games. The latest being Lebanon....

Almost a million people have been displaced by the Middle East conflict. Following a ceasefire agreement, tens of thousands of Lebanese are now returning to southern Lebanon, which has suffered extensive damage to homes and infrastructure. HERE

while the WAR that I hated years ago is still inconclusive - just look at the right side of this posting, you'll see the number of civilians killed (~45,000 - That's Forty Five THOUSANDS)....for greater good? Don't think so.

My beloved country continues to be whatever it has always been. I still love durian. Kids are wonderful.... I am still amazed at how they think....

Interestingly, I watched a documentary about Autistic Savants.... on one of those long fights home. Not sure if you've notice but lately Malaysia Airlines has gone serious in cost-cutting. Movies stays for 2 months instead of 1 for example....Anyhow, I digressed...."Beautiful Minds: A Voyage Into the Brain" is the title of the documentary and it was beautiful.

Anyway, " Savant syndrome is a rare, but extraordinary, condition in which persons with serious mental disabilities, including autistic disorder, have some 'island of genius' that stands in marked, incongruous contrast to overall handicap".

Checkout the Human Camera and meet the real Rainman and my favourite, Matt Savage. Listening to him talking was just wonderful.

AMAZING!!!!! and just imagine that they used be called 'Idiot Savant'....

The main thing that struck me was the view that Savant perceive the world without any prejudice that comes with experiences and 'education'. That the world is as they see it NOT as how we perceive it as our perceptions are distorted. Like kids right... I think kids are geniuses, if only we don't let the convenient babysitter (a.k.a. TV) perpetually bombard their mind.

I can LEVITATE........

My last trip to Shanghai involved an experience being on the MagLev (Magnetic Levitation) Train. Quite an experience especially as it's top speed was 431km/h.

MagLev is the technology where the train levitates just inches above the track and smart use of the polarity within the electromagnetic field propels it forward. I took the train from LongYang Road to Pudong Airport and the 30km distance was covered in less than 8 minutes.

The trains are sleek and service is efficient and punctual.

It took abt 3mins to reach the top speed - most impressive esp as the only noticeable difference in the cabin is the wind-noise.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Akhirnya 'Ali Setan' temui hidayah

....from somewhere....used to watch his movies a lot

Akhirnya 'Ali Setan' temui hidayah

"Waktu itu saya baru balik dari pub, jadi apabila buka TV ada siaran terjemahan al-Quran dan doa tutup siaran. Masa itu saya perhati terjemahan tersebut dan saya rasa Allah hebat. Saya terus memuji Allah, tapi cakap Inggerislah (ketawa)"AZMIL MUSTAFA (bekas Pelakon Filem 'Ali Setan').

BERSEMUKA bekas pelakon 'Ali Setan', Haji Mohd Azmil Dato' Mustapha, bagai tidak percaya bahawa watak nakal dalam filem tersebut telah berubah sama sekali. Berjubah putih, berjanggut, riak wajahnya cukup menggambarkan ketenangan dikecapinya. Berbual dengannya seolah-olah mendengar ceramah, yang kini menjadi rutin hariannya. Ikuti temu bual wartawan Harakah, ANIS NAZRI dengan Azmil, di kediamannya di Shah Alam baru-baru ini.

Bila mula berubah dan berhenti berlakon?

Saya berhenti berlakon tahun 1998. Tapi baru-baru ini, saya berlakon filem Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGL) kerana ditawarkan oleh Tiara Jacquelina. Lagipun watak yang diberikan sebagai seorang pendakwah. Itupun saya berat nak terima. Saya bagi 10 syarat yang remeh supaya saya tidak berkata tidak. Nak dijadikan cerita, mereka terima syarat saya, jadi saya tiada pilihan. Sedangkan saya rasa, orang lain tak akan setuju syarat-syarat saya itu. Saya buat kajian tentang watak itu. Memang dia pendakwah serta banyak mengislamkan orang di Nusantara.

Apa pendorong kepada perubahan?

Semuanya kerana Allah. Ia jadi sekelip mata. Saya suka buat perbandingan macam main bola sepak. Main bola sepak ni, 90 minit. Tapi dalam seminit ketika masa tambahan itu, macam-macam boleh jadi. Keputusan boleh berubah daripada 0-0 kepada 1-0. Saya juga macam itu, dalam sekelip mata berubah. Saya bermula dengan memuji Allah. Saya puji dengan ikhlas walaupun waktu itu saya jahil. Saya masih ingat, tahun 1979. Kebetulan masa itu saya masih jahil. Perkara pertama yang saya lakukan apabila sampai rumah, buka TV. Waktu itu saya baru balik dari pub, jadi apabila buka TV ada siaran terjemahan al-Quran dan doa tutup siaran. Masa itu saya perhati terjemahan tersebut dan saya rasa Allah hebat. Saya terus memuji Allah, tapi cakap Inggerislah (ketawa). Wow! Allah is 'great'! Macam-macam la keluar dari mulut saya. Akhirnya, ia menjadi amalan saya. Setiap malam saya mesti tengok siaran tu. Kalau keluar malam pun, saya akan bergegas balik sebab nak kejar siaran itu.

Apa reaksi rakan-rakan ketika itu?

Kawan-kawan saya terkejut. Tapi waktu itu saya belum berubah sepenuhnya. Jadi kawan-kawan selalu perli saya. Macam-macam la mereka kata...kepala senget, nak tengok Quran. Lebih kurang gitulah (ketawa). Lepas pada itu, saya jumpa seorang ustaz dan diajar cara untuk bertaubat. Saya buat taubat nasuha. Saya dalami agama, belajar sembahyang. Saya memang tak tahu lansung sembahyang ni. Baca Quran merangkak-rangkak. Baca Fatihah pun, buka buku lagi...itupun tulisan rumi. Tapi saya istiqamah. Lama-lama ia makin meningkat. Saya ingat lagi dulu saya baca surah Yassin ambil masa dua jam. Lepas solat Subuh, saya mula baca. Apabila habis sedar-sedar dah pukul 8.30 pagi. Gara-gara baca merangkak la ni. Umur dekat 30 tahun, baru saya hafal al-Fatihah. Alhamdulillah, sekarang dah okey.

Masih membaca?

Sekarang masih membaca. Saya penuhi masa dengan membaca al-Quran. Saya dah tingalkan dunia seronok-seronok ni. Saya dah banyak buang masa waktu muda dulu.Saya suka berseronok, jadi saya nak tebus semuanya.

Berubah secara drastik, atau 'slowly'?

Dulu saya belajar di negara orang kafir, hidup mengikut budaya kafir. Apabila saya dah mendekati Allah, baru saya tahu apa yang saya buat selama ni salah. Sebab tu saya tinggal terus, bukan 'slowly'. Saya tak boleh 'slowly'. Kalau 'slowly', saya tak tahu saya sempat atau tidak. Kita tak tahu bila kita mati. Apabila dah timbul kesedaran, buang terus zaman lampau kita, jangan ada rasa cinta pada kehidupan lama kita yang sesat.

Hubungan dengan rakan-rakan hiburan?

Saya berhenti terus, tak keluar langsung. Putus hubungan dengan kawan-kawan dalam dunia hiburan. 'Member' baik pun saya tak jumpa atau hubungi. Kalau jumpa setahun sekali waktu raya pun dah cukup baik. Kadang-kadang tak jumpa pun sebab bagi saya, kalau saya masih terus bersama dengan mereka tak mustahil saya akan kembali semula. Jadi saya ambil keputusan tinggal semuanya.

Dah berani keluar berjumpa orang?

Sekarang dah berani. Dulu memang langsung tak keluar sebab takut terpengaruh. Pengaruh syaitan ni kuat. Setakat ni, pengaruh jahat selalu menang berbanding pengaruh baik.

Perkembangan terkini setelah meninggalkan dunia lakonan?

Sejak setahun kebelakangan ini saya banyak menerima jemputan untuk berceramah, dan lebih kerap dua, tiga bulan kebelakangan ini. Saya tidak membuat sebarang pekerjaan lain kerana sudah tak sempat.

Selain berceramah?

Saya sedang membuat perancangan untuk ke Syria, menuntut ilmu. Sebelum itu, saya buat solat hajat untuk memilih mana-mana destinasi. Kemudian saya diilhamkan untuk ke Syria dan Yaman. Jadi, saya pilih Yaman. Kebetulan saya berjumpa dengan seorang ustaz yang mengatakan kita kena buat istikharah jika mempunyai pilihan. Jadi saya pun buat istikharah, dapat petunjuk ke Syria. Empat kali istikharah, masih diilhamkan Syria. Jadi, saya buat keputusan ke Syria. Dua tahun lepas saya berpeluang ke Syria, dapat rasa satu ikatan istimewa berada di sana. Balik dari sana, saya ditawarkan membuat rumah anak yatim, yang mengambil masa setahun untuk ditubuhkan. Tapi akhirnya saya tarik diri kerana cara saya dan rakan kongsi berbeza, kerana dia berasal dari England dan tak izinkan saya berceramah. Jadi, saya ambil keputusan tarik diri daripada bergaduh.

Pernah bisnes sebelum ni?

Macam-macam bisnes saya buat. Rugi juta-juta. Pertama, mungkin Allah tak izinkan. Saya juga muhasabah diri. Yang saya ingat, saya pernah kata...kalau ada duit, saya buat segalanya. Saya jual barang keperluan agama, seperti tasbih, sejadah, buku-buku agama, kaligrafi Arab. Tapi saya tak sebut 'kalau Allah izinkan...' Agaknya sebab itulah bisnes saya tak berjaya. Adalah hikmahnya dan setakat ni saya nampak rezeki saya pada ceramah.

Perasaan setelah meninggalkan dunia hiburan dan berkecimpung dalam dakwah?

Ketenangan yang saya rasa tak dapat nak diceritakan. Tak boleh nak nilai. Tak boleh nak dibandingkan dengan duit yang dulunya saya pegang juta-juta. Duit boleh habis, tapi ketenangan yang saya rasa sekarang, saya tak mahu jual biarpun orang bayar berjuta-juta. Saya juga rasa satu perkembangan yang sangat baik bagi saya ialah apabila saya berceramah ni, ilmu saya bertambah. Saya membaca, tanya ustaz-ustaz kerana saya bukan latar belakang agama. Jadi, saya lebih mengenali Allah sejak berceramah ni.Alhamdulillah, sambutan orang terhadap ceramah saya pun bagus. Maklumlah, 'setan' datang ceramah. Kalau ulama ceramah, tak ramai datang. Tarikan setan memang kuat (ketawa).

Topik apa yang selalu disebut ketika berceramah?

Kalau berceramah, saya lebih suka mengingatkan diri saya dan umat Islam lain supaya membangunkan semula Islam, kerana hari ini pemikiran dan seluruh kehidupan kita dijajah oleh orang kafir. Islam tiada sempadan, hanya orang kafir yang meletakkan sempadan dan jajahan, dan kemudiannya kita ikut. Orang kafir dah kuasai minda kita, kehidupan kita, hingga orang Islam hari ini melakukan perkara yang menjauhi diri daripada Allah. Tetapi semuanya dalam keadaan tidak sedar kerana sudah biasa ikut hukum orang kafir hingga tak rasa besalah langgar perintah Allah. Hukum Allah ni kena ikut setiap masa, bukan dalam solat semata-mata. Kadang tu, dalam solat je ikut Allah, lepas solat ikut balik cara kafir. Itu kesedaran yang perlu ditimbulkan untuk umat Islam.

Banyak menerima jemputan, selain PAS?

Saya dapat jemputan daipada RTM, buat rakaman dengan Pahang FM. Juga buat untuk jabatan agama Islam. Saya tidak mengehadkan kerana saya buat kerana Allah Taala, jadi tiada kompromi tentang itu. Bagi saya, memasuki pilihan raya ni satu kompromi, bagi sayalah. Kalau nak kuasa, minta pada Allah. Bukan minta pada sistem yang disediakan orang kafir. Bagi sayalah...(ketawa).Pilihan raya itu sistem orang kafir yang kita ikut. Lagi pun, jelas berlaku dalam negara yang amalkan politik, apabila parti Islam menang, mereka tetap tidak dapat berkuasa. Perkara ini berlaku di Algeria, Maghribi, Turki, Lubnan, Palestin. Hamas memang pun masih tak boleh berkuasa. Sistem orang kafir ni tak akan bagi Islam ambil kuasa.

Pernah terima tentangan sejak berdakwah?

Apabila saya bercakap agak lantang, ada orang yang labelkan saya ekstrim. Pernah suatu ketika dulu, mikrofon masjid ditutup apabila saya bercakap lantang. Ini orang-orang yang taat pada perlembagaan negara berbanding perlembagaan Allah. Perlembagaan itu perlembagaan kafir Lord Reid. Saya pegang kukuh, taat pada pemerintah selagi dia tidak melanggar hukum Allah. Kalau dah langgar, tak perlu lagi kita taat padanya

Cenderung pada politik?

Saya tidak bercakap atas dasar politik. Saya bercakp atas dasar Allah, ke jalan Allah. Bagi saya, Umno, PAS, KeADILan ni macam satu pasukan bola sepak. Umno sebagai Manchester United, PAS Chelsea, ADIL Liverpool. Padangnya sama...stadium. Pengadil sama, SPR. Sebab itu, saya pilih bercakap atas dasar agama semata-mata.

Bagaimana melihat umat Islam hari ini?

Saya sedih sebenarnya melihat orang Islam bergaduh, atau berselisih pandangan sesama Islam. Soal kecil pasal wajib baca qunut, ada yang kata sunat, tangan perlu letak di perut, wajar letak di dada. Benda-benda macam itu. Kita sesama Islam pertikai...tapi dalam masa sama biarkan saja orang kafir buat sesuka hati. Sedangkan merekalah (kafir) yang perlu kita musuhi. Kita ni terlalu banyak kelemahan. Dari segi kehidupan. Begitu juga bahasa. Dulu kita guna bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa sandaran seperti ilmu, khabar, akhlak, warta, Isnin, Selasa. Sekarang dah jadi integrasi, dominasi, automobil...semua ni dari bahasa Inggeris. Kita jadi makin jauh dengan Allah. Ada orang baca Quran, bertajwid, berlagu tapi tak tahu makna. Apa semuanya tu? Kita tak boleh ambil Islam ni secebis sana, secebis sini. Kena ambil seluruhnya.

Soal keluarga. Menjadi bapa tunggal. Kisah di sebaliknya?

Saya berkahwin dua kali. Pertama, bercerai kerana tak boleh terima saya sebagai hak masyarakat. Jadi artis ni, kita jadi hak orang ramai. Jadi, dia tak boleh terima keadaan itu. Bertahan lima tahun saja. Ada anak perempuan seorang, dah umur 21 tahun. Saya jarang jumpa anak saya tu, sebab mak dia tak bagi jumpa. Tak apalah, saya reda. Kuasa Allah, dia masuk UiTM, dekat la untuk saya jumpa.

Dia tak nak duduk sekali?

Ada sekali nak duduk dengan saya. Saya tak kisah, tapi saya bagi syarat. Suruh pakai tudung, sembahyang. Sehari lepas itu, dia balik semula ke rumah mak dia. Tak tahan agaknya (ketawa). Ada kawan-kawan kata saya keras. Saya terpaksa keras sebab kalau tak keras, ia boleh merosakkan semua yang saya dah mulakan. Saya tak sanggup nak ambil risiko tersebut. Orang sekarang lebih sayang harta daripada keluarga. Tak berani nak tegur anak. Sayang tak bertempat. Anak-anak semua bawah jagaan saya. Dulu saya bagi anak-anak ke rumah mak mereka. Tapi masalah sekarang, apabila balik dari rumah mak mereka, anak saya dah tak pakai tudung. Tanya pasal sembahyang, adalah buat sekali sembahyang. Saya fikir tak boleh jadi macam ni. Jadi, sekarang dah tak pergi lagi ke rumah mak mereka. Saya izinkan mereka jumpa di 'club house', di kawasan rumah ni saja. Mujur waktu bercerai dulu saya letak syarat-syarat supaya jaga syarak kalau nak terus berhubung dengan anak-anak. Jadi saya ada hak untuk menyekat.

Perancangan masa depan?

Pertama saya nak belajar bahasa Arab di Syria, sebab ada satu tempat tu berjaya mengajar orang kafir berbahasa Arab dalam masa tiga bulan. Saya dah cuba kat sini, tapi tak menjadi. Yelah, dalam kelas cakap Arab, keluar kelas cakap Melayu balik. Mana nak jadi. Saya cadang lepas raya, itupun bergantung kepada kewangan. Mungkin setahun di sana dan saya akan bawa anak-anak saya semua ke sana. Kenapa? Sebab saya nak bantu mereka mendapat pendidikan yang lebih baik dan lebih awal daripada saya. Saya nak mudahkan mereka. Tak mahu mereka jadi macam saya.

Mungkin mahu menamatkan zaman duda?

Saya rasa perlu kerana dah tak cukup masa nak tumpu pada keluarga berbanding dulu. Saya dah banyak keluar sekarang, kasihan pada anak-anak selalu ditinggalkan. Tapi calon tak ada lagi...(ketawa)

Friday, July 28, 2006

Delayed in Manila and ....

Been quite a while. I am in Manila Airport. MH705 delayed from STD 1520 to ETD 1830. Terrible. I was looking forward to arriving early and have a great weekend before my next trip on Sunday. But that's life. A lot of other things to worry abt. Like mindless bombings of civilians in Lebanon. Unbelievable what some megalomaniacs are capable of. Not to mention the so-called defender of democracy vetoing things. Finally the brokering in Rome that ended up with a press conference that solves nothing.