Friday, October 06, 2006

How important is trust to you?

Trust has been one of the key values in my life. It's been there since I can remmber. I was given a lot of freedom but the freedom has always been accompanied by trust. Still remember that at 13 I was allowed to roam freely with friends. Generally, no question asked. I could come home at 10pm and leave again at 11pm - though I usually get back home by midnight... Weekends used to be totally free where I used to spend time exploring the areas around our neighbourhood, swam in the lake, climbed hills which felt like mountain then. But I know that I was fully trusted by my parents and it was the key thing that stopped me from doing wrong things - smoking etc.... I remember being at a friend's place with about 10 of my friends and I was the only one not smoking. Even those who had very strict rules at home did. I just couldn't.

I used to think that trust is respected by all but slowly I realised that it is not the case. The bad thing is, once you've started, it generally got difficult to stop.

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