Friday, October 26, 2007


What is forgiveness...

creating a clean slate. when i was child, we used a lot of 'kosong-kosong' (nil-nil) meaning nothing against one another. that is enough to seek and agree on forgiveness

i learned later about forgive but not forget.... i agree


In my life....
I don't care about a lot of things....
One thing I care about....
I care A LOT!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's Syawal

Ramadhan this year, 1428, is very meaningful....

Future Ramadhan will NEVER be the same again.......

9995 = 14041416

I'm in love with an angel

Yes, it's true....
I am truly in love with an angel.....
who I haven't yet met......
that I may or may not meet....
but love is blind....
I am in love with an angel


Sorry....blur sikit

Life Goes On.................................................



What are they?
What are they for?
You have secrets?
Everyone does....I think....
What is the highest level of secrecy?
National Security?

Let me think and get back to you

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Putera Sulung

Nama diberi amat bererti
Moga besarmu menjadi pejuang
Pejuang berjiwa agung penuh iman
Akal budi dan akhlak terpuji
Minda yang bijak penuh ilmu

Sejak kecil sangat peka
Keadaan sekeliling mahu dikawal
Kekadang menimbulkan kecoh
Tapi semuanya atas asas kebenaran

Putera Sulung ku
Ayuh terus belajar dan hidup
Penuh Azzam membina dan terbilang

Monday, May 28, 2007

Live without Internet

Can you imagine that?

My first encounter with Internet was in 1993 but the exciting part was in early 1994 when the WWW - HTML came into existence. I still remember Mosaic and the fact that CERN then has a listings of ALL websites in existence. I think they stopped tracking them a long time ago.

Anyhow, I lost my broadband connection since december and life just felt different.

What is next - i think soon we'll be online all the time - permanently. Exciting and a bit scary huh....