Friday, November 21, 2008

Mini Bar

I saw this in my hotel room a few weeks ago. I was in Singapore for an overnight trip and found this interesting. Is it the hotel being toughtful, bold, unpretentious, etc?

I guess it costs a bomb just like anything else in hotel's minibar. You noticed how hotels always charge snacks and drinks at least 3 times higher than their market values outside.

I have to admit though that this is the 1st time I've seen such mini bar selection. But I won't be surprise to start seeing more of these in future.

Remind me of the self-service vending machines of the nineties.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Selamat Hari Lahir putera ku

This is the cake for my son's 5th birthday. He is very excited about it.
What I realised was that the true milestone here is the fact that this is the 1st time he understands the significance of the the day.
He has been looking forward to it since more than a month ago and when it was 1st November, he started to 'celebrate' even though there's another 19 days to go.
He wanted cakes, special dinner, present of course and guess what, even a card.
To me, this is a very exciting day and managed to be home early for an early dinner. He enjoyed it obviously and I don't know whether I really look forward for the same day next year. I guess the demand will increase but hopefully my little boy would also be a bigger little boy by then.

Monday, November 17, 2008


What's life?

To some, life is to be lived.
you only live once.
To some, life is a test.
you will be held accountable to how you live your life.
To some, live is a measure of length.
live is short.
To some, life is full of adventures.
live your life to the fullest.
To some, life is the opposite of death.
you are alive, so you are not dead.
To some, life is full of opportunities.
grab all you can, don't waste time.
To some, life is a journey.
a journey goes on, a journey for.....
To some life is meaningless.
To some life is priceless.
How much?

What is life? to you and me?
I like to think of it as a journey, with a beginning and an end...
it not the destination that matters, but how I fill the journey,
not where I end up but how I get there....
and what I manage to gather along the way, the junks, the rubbishes, the useful things....
maybe that's life to me....and what will come after it...i believe

Manila Wires

I saw this in Manila earlier this year.

I remember walking out of a restaurant with a cup of coffee in my hand in Makati city and this view greeted me.  I found it interesting enough to capture.

I don't know what I was really thinking; some sort of wondering at how complicated things could be.

Maybe, my life was not that complicated then......maybe

Remind my of Simplicity....

I am back

brothers and sisters....we all love rasulullah....
our journey goes on, a journey for Allah....

I am's been quite testing in the last 1 year;
I am walking again, slowly....learning again to build my steps...
one after another. I still stumble and fall...
I've lost count how many times I've fallen flat on my face. Too many...just too many.
But I have to carry on....I just have to. For AAH.....especially for them.
I am walking again, hopefully will be running soon....
The SCAR is still there....will always be there I think.
But that's life. I just hope and pray that it won't reopened.
That it won't happen again.

The truth is, I still have nightmares.....
every night.....
but it's not the nightmares you get when you are fast

my nightly nightmares are at the point just before I fall asleep.
and sometimes in between sleeps as I wake up in the middle of the night....
and every morning just as I wake up.........
sometimes my whole body jerks,
sometimes my whole being shivers....

I wonder why....been wondering for a very long time.....

My guess is, those are the times when my guards are down,
those are the times when my consciousness waver, and my true soul surface,
those are the times when my conscious determinations to move on, to keep going, to.....when my conscious live on.....falter.

anyhow, enough about me.

How have you been doing?

Live's good?

Remember always;

Why you are here....