Thursday, April 30, 2009

London Heathrow - Arrival

We were on the fast-track lane for immigration which was good as the queue is barely existent. However, to our surprise we were asked for immunisation certificates. For what? And that brought us the to the Health Authority at the airport.

There we found out that for Malaysians going to the UK for more than 6 months, a chest x-ray is required. You must bring it with you in your hand-luggage (as you have not taken your checked-in luggages when you need to present it). That proved to be a problem for us because we simply did not have it. In fact, our relocation advisor simply did not highlight this requirement at all. A few thoughts crossed our minds including being sent back....but then may be not.

There was another Malaysian family there for exactly the same reason. In the end, we were given an address form which we need to fill up with our address once we've moved to our permanent home and mail back to the Health Authority. Then further instructions will be mailed to us.

With that, we were allowed entry into the United Kingdom.

Things progressed smoothly from there and we were met at the arrival hall by our drivers (drivers because we ended up on 2 cars - nice Volvo V50's). The cars were nice, but I digressed. We got to our temporary accommodation not long after that. Well, here begins our lives in London, UK.

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