Thursday, February 18, 2010

Stonehenge and Bath

It's the term break and we decided to take a day trip to the famous Stonehenge followed by an outing in the city of Bath.

We left home very early and started off with a quick breakfast at Subway. The journey to Stonehenge which is about 90 miles away took 2 hours. As we were approaching it, the famous rocks we visible from the road right on the intersection of 2 main roads. Parking was ample and after paying the entrance fee we were provided with an audio guide. The way it works is that you press the number when you see the markings along the way and the guide will inform you about the Stonehenge from that perspective.
We cannot get very close to the rocks as the are is cordoned off but the walk around it allowed us to observe and marvelled at them. Nobody seems to know what they were for and by all accounts, only conjectures and guesses will be available. Having been seeing them on photographs and on TV, it was quite surreal to be there in person.

We ended up spending about 2 hours there before continuing our journey to the city of Bath. Bath got its name from the famous Roman bath excavated many years ago there. Natural hotsprings are in abundance there and the Roman when they were ruling Britain, had build huge communal bath in the city.
What's magnificent about the whole thing is the hundred years old structures of swimming pool like baths and drainage system are still working upon being excavated. The warm air inside was also great having coming in from the coldness outside.

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