Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Work Permit and Visa

As someone who is going to the UK to work for the same company (Intra-Company transfer), there's a requirement for Certificate of Sponsorship (what used to be the Work Permit) and Visa. The company helps with the CoS based on a form that I filled up basically listing my profile (education, experience etc). That was quick.

From there, we need to get our own visas (for me and the family). That is going to be an adventure. For Malaysians, visa is processed by a 3rd party VFS ( and the application can be made online. The access speed to make an online application is painfully slow though.

To help manage the number of people going to their office for visa application, one can set appointment on the web. We set ours for 24th March 2009 at 0915 in the morning. Hopefully, our visas will be ready by mid April latest.

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