Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hello World (part z)

I just can't seem to stay away from here for long.  Well, it depends on how you define 'long' I guess.

I just noticed that I suddenly wrote about my son's wikipedia comment after being away for nearly 10 months.  10 not so long months I think.  Anyhow, here I am and this time with the intention to stay (for a while at least), insya-Allah.

A few basic updates since January.
Moved house,
moved jobs (both of us),
moved schools for kids,
moved country.

Same me,
same sweetheart :),
same kids,
same family,
same home,
same citizenship,
same ummah,
same aspirations,
same ambitions,
same hopes,
same ideals,
same ......................

Since a few months back, we've moved (sort of transplanted) from Kuala Lumpur to London.  So, will start talking about our new home as well but I guess I will end up musing about what goes on inside my head more than those usual.

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