Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Short days

Days are getting shorter and shorter here.
Trees are shedding leaves and those are are still covered with leaves are generally in the hues of brown, orange, yellow and reddish.
Autumn leaves are scattered along the roads and pavements.
From the crisp, just-fallen leaves that add bounces to your steps they are now slowly turning into piles of dirt-like mounts.
and WET....they are wet....it rains nearly every day now and combined with the single digit temperature, being outdoor is simply a nerve-wrecking tasks.

But at time, the freshness of the cold that reach your bones is simply amazing.
Best place in the house is next to the central-heating radiators. Best position is resting your back on it and let the warmth chases the cold out of your body.....unbelievably satisfying.

This morning, the temperature reached 2 Degree C at 6.00 am before rising with the sun but finally peaking at abt 5 Deg C. It is cold....very cold but over the next few weeks and months, it will only get colder.

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