Thursday, November 12, 2009

How things have changed

to the site....

Since my first posting here more than 6 years ago, have changed a lot. 

I remember the days when we couldn't put an image on our blog...and later found out that I can link an image though (just do the basic HTML editing).  Now it's a few simple clicks. (and a lot of those linked images are gone).

I remember the days when there's not such things as gadgets for blog....if you want it, you create it.  This blog still has one of those I created (well, combination of b-b-s & programming) then (the Today box on the right).

I remember the days when there's no WYSIWG it's like using MS Word.

I remember the days when there's no "Title" to the I am thinking of revisiting old postings and put some titles to them (when I have the time).

I remember the days when there's no "Label" to the ditto above (and ditto above too)

I remember the days when I was 6 years, well, what do you expect...

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