- Of course, the trumpeted access to full facts is a fiction. Though the communications centre may be awash with information, the truth is not in volume, but in selection. No matter how seemingly extensive the raw material, since it is subject to rigorous editing before release, the picture is partial.
The claim is that the media machine is taking information from the battlefield and turning it into knowledge. But knowledge of what? Those who refuse to take the proffered information at face value would say knowledge of an exercise in subjective interpretation, not objective truth.
For verification, ask Donald Rumsfeld. He gave the game away, unintended, when he said "what you are seeing now is not the big picture". The US's communications operation is ensuring that the international community just sees the trees
Is it all a photo-op?
and we are supposed to believe everything we see.... before you say, "But I think", take care of your subconcious.
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