Thursday, April 03, 2003

I was watching something on TV last night and got to observe someone who simply lack self-awareness and any understanding of those around him.

The Center for Creative Leadership had studied "derailed" executives and here are the characteristics and note that in most cases they can be strengths with proper handling:

    1. Insensitive to others; abrasive and intimidating

    2. Overly demanding

    3. Not willing to listen to others

    4. Intolerant of dissent - not able to get along with people who have different styles

    5. Taking credit for success

    6. Blaming others for mistakes

    7. Cold, aloof and arrogant

    8. Untrustworthy

    9. Dictatorial style

    [From Becoming a Master Manager, Quinn, Faerman, Thompson and Mcgrath (2003), John Wiley & Sons

This in my terms is Living in Fantasy-Land.

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