Thursday, April 24, 2003

The last 3 days have been the most wonderful days in my life in one way - though I'm a bit sad in another way. Anyway, let's talk about good things. Well, I learnt a lot about my kids and our lives at home. Do you know that my 5 yrs old know camouflage, not just the word but the concept. Learning the concept in animals, she's also applying it to other things. Thinking back, I think I learned the word in my teens - late teens I would say.

Personally, if I can afford it, I want to stay at home - hmmm.... house-husband? Not because it's easy - trust me - I've never felt so busy in my life and when both are asleep, I'm just too tired to do anything else. That's why I'm just sitting infront of my PC now. The reason is more of the satisfaction of being with the kids. I can tell you this - I miss them.

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