Friday, June 26, 2009


I had a day trip to Brussels today but due to the tight schedule, did not get to see much. Departure was from Terminal 5, London Heathrow which is only 30 mins from home.

In Brussels, the main place I saw, was only the airport unfortunately. One interesting point is the availability of prayer rooms; and separate ones for the different religions. The airport is not that big and it can be easily found on the 2nd floor.

British Airways is a disappointment though. The return flight was 50 mins late when I arrived at the airport. AFTER we've boarded the aircraft though, after a longer than usual wait, suddenly an announcement was made by the pilot that we will be further delayed by another 2 hours 30 minutes. The taxi driver who had agreed to pick me up at Heathrow then called and I took the call from inside the aircraft at about the same time. He had already arrived at Terminal 5 - pity him.

In any case, after leaving home at 4.30am this morning, I finally arrived home at 10.45pm. Very tiring day indeed.

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