Monday, June 08, 2009

Creatures in the garden

Today we discovered a lot of birds (parrot-like, green in colour) in our garden. Actually at the border with the house behind ours. It seems like they are feeding on the fruits of a tree there. There could have easily been around 15 of them happily jumping around on the tree.

The attempt to photograph them ended up being the photography session for the garden instead. Well, if you look very carefully, at the tree at the end of the garden, right behind the fence after the wooden still cannot see them....sorry.

Anyhow, some views of the garden, from the kitchen, the living room and the 1st floor bedroom.
Basically, the kitchen and the living room on the ground floor open out to the patio area that leads to the garden.

The structure on the right is part of the garage (small 1 car garage) and a study. I still fail to understand why there's a study 'in' the garden. Effectively to access the 'study' you would need to go out of the house, down the patio steps and walk about 30 feet. I can't imagine doing that especially in winter.

I wish I have an SLR camera.....

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