Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Special Day

While everyone else celebrated Father's Day last week, our household celebrated a different day named Abah & Ummi's Day. We were surprised with the breakfast table full of meals prepared by the kids and to the sound of, "Happy Abah & Ummi's Day!!!!!!" when we came down on Sunday. As it turned out, the kids missed Mother's Day (must be when we were moving) and therefore decided to make this a shared day for us.

On the table for breakfast were 2 cups of coffee, roti canai with kuah kari, profiteroles (a dessert similar to eclairs but rounder), 2 toast with cheese and 2 bowl of ice-cream complete with Twix bars.

It was a pleasant surprise indeed. Thank you Sayang.........


  1. Waaa...depa buat sendiri ka roti canai tu?hehe

  2. aa..aaaa buat sendiri....sedap pulak tu :) - pakai instant roti canai la tapinya...
