Sunday, June 07, 2009

Moving house

We finally moved to our rented house on Tuesday, 2/6, alhamdulillah. The whole moving activities started on Monday when we received the key to the house. Our tenancy officially begins on the 1st as well. Prior to receiving the key, the standard inventory check was conducted. Basically, this is the ascertain the 'before' condition of the house to be compared with the 'after' condition when we leave later.

Our things from Malaysia was then delivered on the 2nd. Close to 200 boxes altogether....the whole day was spent unpacking, arranging and rearranging things. The 3 workers from the moving company definitely did most of the hard works. Whereas our role was more of pointing to where things should be moved. Of course, the major ordeal is moving our books, which ended up in the study on the top floor.

Generally everything went well and there were even a couple of unwanted stowaways - cockroaches that had always been declared as Public Enemy No 1 in our household. Only to be found and exterminated in London. That's life.

Tiring day is was and the workers left at around 5PM leaving us to continue unpacking. They would have unpacked everything but due to some of the furniture we are purchasing over here not yet been delivered therefore we are short of storage space, some of the boxes remained sealed.

Since then we have been tidying things up and there's a lot of loose ends to sort out. One big thing is our curtains are not yet fixed and according to the landlord it will take about 10 days as they are being custom-made. So, since Tuesday, we have been having temporary blinds on the windows. Quite unsightly to be honest but serve the purpose.

House is nice with fully wired broadband points in all the rooms, fully connected speaker system on the ground floor (speakers on the ceiling) which seems to be the trend here in London now as a few of the houses we looked at have the same feature. Of course, the brand-new kitchen makes someone VERY HAPPY. Actually more than one person.....that someone being very happy with the kitchen means everyone is very happy at meal-time...or even other time. We've been enjoying nasi lemak, mi goreng, briyani, pizza, cekodok etc.

We are still discovering the house and generally the best feature would have to be the back-garden. Great space for the kids (and their parents) to run around and with summer approaching, we can see how our centre of activities will start to shift outside.


  1. rumah mana satu yg dipilih abang/kakak? cepat sampai barang...berapa minggu alltogether ship hari tu?

  2. 4 minggu. rumah, yg tak masuk senarai awal.
