Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ramadhan - Regents Park Mosque

1st night of Ramadhan; Solat Taraweeh at Regents Park Mosque. I couldn't believe it that I am back that this mosque on this blessed month. It seems like ages ago when I was here for both Iftar and Taraweeh years ago. Always great experience.

A few things have changed; there's no longer recitation of al-Ikhlaas in between 2 rakaat and the prayer is only 8 + 3 instead of 20 + 3. But of course, it's still 1 juz for the 8 rakaah. We started at 10.40 pm and only finishing at 11.35 pm and by the time I got home it was past midnight. The kids are asleep - insya-Allah they will perform Taraweeh later before Sahur. Need to work it out.

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