Interestingly, we found that there are more interesting contents in the TV here (SKY - paid TV like Astro). Our favourite channel that unfortunately is not available in Malaysia is Peace TV. It's a channel of Islamic Education especially featuring Dr. Zakir Naik. Listening to this person talking is simply amazing....subhanallah. Apart from Dr. Zakir Naik, there are also a number of other well-known scholars and orators featured in there such as Ahmad Deedat, Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, Abdur Rahim Green and many more. From Malaysia, Hussain Yee a regular presenter.
It is quite unfortunate that this channel is not available in Malaysia as it is full of beneficial shows and are both educating and entertaining. In fact, it is quite ironic that in a muslim majority country like Malaysia, this Islamic TV channel is not available whereas is it available by default with a subscription to the Sky Network here in the UK.
However, alhamdulillah we found out that it is actually available on live streaming as well.
Another channel that we find interesting as well is the Islam Channel that again is available here. This is a UK-based channel fulfilling the need of the muslim community here. Again, full of very good contents are is not simply entertainment-focused like most shows back home.
To digress a bit; heard a comment from a brother that unfortunately our muslim community in Malaysia now is too entertainment centred to the extend that we are forgetting our basic responsibilities.