Sunday, August 16, 2009

Road Tour - Europe (Day 10, 15 Aug 09 - Amsterdam to London)

Amsterdam - Brugge - Calais - Folkestone - London

Day 10 and our final day on the road. We left Amsterdam and headed to Brugge, a city in Belgium where we plan to visit a Chocolate Museum. The drive was relatively smooth and before long, we found ourselves in Belgium, near Antwerp. From Antwerp we made our way to Brugge and all the while trying to find a musolla as we expected to only be arriving home after Maghrib. As it turned out, not that easy and Brugge itself is one of the very few cities where we couldn't find any muslim. Brugge is famous for its old city and we have to agree with that. The roads are all cobblestones and the horse-carriages that are popular amongst tourists there looked more at home than any modern car, including ours.

We had our Mee Goreng Indomie lunch in Brugge, by the canal, and then we headed to the chocolate museum. It's actually a small 3 storey shop-house in one of the squares in the old city with exhibits of chocolates and its related paraphernalias. There was a short film showing the journey of the cacao beans from the tropical jungles to the fancy shelves of supermarkets. There was also a chocolate making demonstration, complete with tasting session right after it - yup, of the famous Belgian chocolate. For the kids, they were kept busy with a 'hunt' for clues throughout the exhibits and upon completion was later rewarded with a chocolate lollipop at the exit.

From Brugge, we made our way into France and started to seriously look for the Aire (stop area) for solat. We finally found a nice spot at Aire d Marais which is a short distance away from Calais itself. Alhamdulillah, our 2nd outdoor solat went smoothly and we were soon back on the road to Calais. We were 2 hours early for our train and upon checking in, we wandered around in the EuroTunnel Complex in Calais. Finishing off our Euro cash, we had some pastries with hot chocolates and pastries and before long, it was time to head for the train.

The journey back from Calais to Folkestone was as smooth as the Folkestone - Calais trip 10 days earlier. It has been 10 days...quite unbelievable. Yup, 10 wonderful day. We arrived in Folkestone at 830pm and was soon on the motorway back home. Before we forget, Think Left, Think Left....Think Left; it did take a while.

We finally arrived home at about 1030pm. ALHAMDULILLAH.

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