Monday, May 11, 2009

HSBC Amanah

We discovered something interesting over the weekend. HSBC Amanah is in the UK. A bit of a background first. A couple of months back, before we moved to the UK, we decided to open an HSBC Islamic Account - bank account that is. HSBC's Islamic Banking arm is known as HSBC Amanah.

We've always used Islamic financial services whenever it's available. These includes banking, insurance (or takaful as they should be properly known as) and credit cards (but not revolving any balance on the card). However, in markets where Islamic financial services are is not available, things get trickier and we had thought that the UK would be on of those.

So, just imagined our surprise when we found out that HSBC Amanah is present in the UK as well. Check out their website and you'll see that it offers full-fledge syariah-compliant services. Will check it out soon.

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