Friday, May 15, 2009

Books for the kids

The kids seems to be enjoying their long "holiday" here in London. The last day they ever step foot in a classroom was exactly a month ago. That was back then in Malaysia. Have to admit that we made a huge mistake shipping their school books together with other household items which will only arrive in a couple of weeks from now....if only they arrived safely. Should have put them on air freight instead. Their brains might have frozen mainly due to brain inactivity rather than the cold summer weather.

Went to Waterstone with the kids ,which is just a few blocks away, to get some workbooks . We had difficulty finding the right level books for the kids because one needs to be familiar with what is known as "Key Stages".

A Key Stage is a stage of the state education system in the UK

The stages are as follows:

Interestingly all workbooks were on a buy 3-for-2 offer. Grab ourselves 9 workbooks altogether

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