Friday, March 28, 2003

An example of a compulsive liars and the so-called evidence?

    Despite Mr Blair's unequivocal accusation that two British soldiers were executed by Iraqi forces, his official spokesman later said: "The bodies were some distance from the vehicles in which they were travelling. They had lost their helmets and flak jackets. We accept that this is not absolute evidence, but it does point in the direction that these people were shot."

    During a joint press conference with George Bush at Camp David, Mr Blair called the supposed executions acts "of cruelty beyond all human comprehension".

    A British military official at central command in Qatar was less adamant: "While the footage shown yesterday suggested that they might have been executed, the pictures are of a poor quality and don't provide us with the facts."

    Mr Bush had supported Mr Blair. "They were murdered, unarmed soldiers executed. That's a war crime," he said.
    That's an unsubstantiated lie but the killing of the innocences in this illegal war is a fact and look at the criminals accusing others of crime.

And see how the lie is being used to justify further crimes.

    Yesterday, members of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment expressed their anger at the reports that colleagues had been "executed". Private Danny Quirk, 22, from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, said at a checkpoint close to the spot where the British soldiers went missing: "Now we know (Know - based on supposed act????) we are fighting a dirty war."

    No 10 backtracks on claim that two British soldiers were executed

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