Sunday, March 02, 2003


To a lot of students, academic excellence is the pinnacle of their student lives and scoring straight A's is on everyone' wishlist. I couldn't believe it when I heard about the first person to score 16 As (that's sixteen and if you are wondering, it's 15A1's and 1 A2) in the SPM examinations which results were announced last week. My first thought upon hearing this news is it cannot be healthy to attempt that and this person's life must revolve around her studies. Therefore, it is with greatest admiration for me to find out that Yap Sui Lin is more than simply a gifted bookworm genius. While I would not recommend anyone to follow her in her spectacular academic feats for fear of imposing an almost impossible target, I would urge students to follow her by doing more than just study their books.

For the uniniated, SPM is Malaysia's high school qualification equivalent to GCSE O Level in the UK. Majority of the candidates attempt 9 subjects and speaking from experience, achieving 9A1's is an unfulfilled dreams of more than 99.99% of the candidates (myself included! hmmm....SPM....a distant memory....).

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