Sunday, March 02, 2003

How to convince the world that Black is White.

Wake up one day and decide to do so.

Erase the word ‘black’ from your communicating vocabulary

Start saying it, “This is white.”

Keep saying it, “This is white.”

Write an article saying it is white.

Write a paper (with references – mainly to the 1st article) that it is white.

Send the paper to a tabloid paper, it will get published.

Remember to keep saying it, “This is white.”

Convince a no-brainer friends of yours that it is white.

Tell NB not to worry or even think, just follow what you do and say.

Keep it going on for a while.

Train NB to say “This is white”, loudly.

In the face of criticism, NB will refer to you as the expert.

You get the title now. The expert on White (which is actually black).

Look for innocent people suffering colour-blindness and trick them into believing “This is white.”

Your have quite a mass now.

Write more articles and keep referring to previously written works (for some reason, people think that by having a reference to their opinion makes it the ultimate truth notwithstanding the status of the references or if it’s from their own long-forgotten works).

At all time never forget to keep saying, “This is white.”

Along the way you’ll get free publicity.

An interview or two might come your way (this is the best opportunity, wear ‘black’ and insist you are wearing white).

Keep saying it, “This is white.”

Stop any differing view by declaring, “those who says it’s black are actually misled and hopeless in need of help”.

Keep saying it, “This is white”...and you’ll get your way.

Until It itself speaks up and tell you, “No, sir, I am black.”

Of course 'It is wrong' as well.

Must be something I read this morning

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