- "They come from above, from the air, and will kill us and destroy us. I can explain to you that we fear this every day and every night." – Shelma (Five years old)
"I think every hour that something bad will happen to me" said Hadeel, aged 13.
Assem, five, and one of the youngest interviewed, said: "They have guns and bombs and the air will be cold and hot and we will burn very much."
But it is the fear expressed by the majority of the children that most shocked the team. In a breaking voice 13-year old Hind told them: "I feel fear every day that we might all die, but where shall I go if I am left alone?"
These interviews were in February. It is reality to these children and 12 millions of their friends now!!!! .... and sitting here far from the war, you are justifying it. Shame on you!
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