Saturday, March 29, 2003

I'm still trying not to talk about the war. It still occupies my mind most of the time. A lot of people are mistakenly pointing their fingers saying that I support Saddam. It's not true. I am just against the war as million others are and believe that a better option is the disarmament process sponsored by the UN. I'm also not convinced of the capabilities of Saddam to use the so-called weapon of mass destructions; he has been 'contained' for the last 10 years and Hans Blix would have ensured that given the time. In fact 10 days into the war, nothing has been accomplished in that respect except for the murder of between 316 to 424 innocent civillians. As for the motive of the US, I seriously find sincerity is lacking. Too much hypocrisy and doublespeak. They also took matters in their own hand despite the UN simply because they are 'strong'.

hhhmmm....I was "not" talking about the war. Only explaining how I feel..... is it? Anyway...


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