Thursday, March 06, 2003

What Israel learnt from the Nazi? The strategies Nazi used in Germany (1939-1945) against the Jews are now improvised by Israel in their ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. A couple of years ago, I read the book Schindler's Ark by Thomas Keneally (the movie was barred from being screened in Malaysia and I always prefer books to their silver-screen adaptations) and would encourage anyone who is interested in the issue to read it.

    Irony of history, the Israeli Jews were destroying Jenin on the same date (April 19) on which Jews commemorate the Warsaw uprising....Warsaw and Jenin, Jews as victims, Jews as oppressors. The descendants of the heros of the Warsaw ghettos practicing the tactics and strategy of their grandfathers' murderers.

    Consider Jenin and Warsaw. In both cases, the world, Western democratic countries stood by and watched the slaughter. Horrified but unwilling to act. But today, in Jenin, unlike during the Nazi slaughter of the Jews in Warsaw, no one can say they didn't know.

    -James Petras-

    Jenin refugee camp had a population of a little over 13,000. At present, the team was informed that only about 3,000 remained, with 10,000 or so unaccounted for, either in hiding, detained or perished and uncovered. The Israeli forces in a 1 square km area demolished completely over 80 homes on top of inhabitants, either living or deceased. The buildings were then compressed into fine dust and rubble, layering up to two stories above the ground.

    One witness saw Israelis executing a camp inhabitant after forcing him to stand against a wall, blindfolded and handcuffed. Another eyewitness saw soldiers crushing the bodies of camp inhabitants with tanks after they had been cuffed and thrown to the ground. The bodies were pulverized by Merkava tanks running back and forth until being rendered completely unrecognizable. A wall was then crushed over them to further hide the evidence.

    Ahmed Mahmoud Fayed told the story of his paralyzed brother who remained behind in his house as his parents fled. The parents pleaded to be allowed to remove Jamal Fayed, but the Israeli soldiers ignored them and demolished the home with him inside. Rescue workers have yet been unable to uncover Jamal’s body under the debris

    The full report

    The Israeli army is intent on such an ugly genocide, that even a few hundred of its own fighters are refusing to take part. The Israelis have coldly executed over 1000 Palestinians, most of whom were women and children, and then buried them in the ruins to make it look as if it was an accidental death.

    That is why the Israeli military refuses to allow any journalist or international delegate such as from the Red Cross, to enter these camps and have made their request to the Supreme Israeli Court to bury these bodies in a secret place.

    How could a people, who had earned their own dignity and self respect from the abominable treatment they suffered at the hands of the nazis, now turn this to shame by inflicting the very same sufferings on others?

    Jenin Massacre

Is this a 'conflict' or is this holocaust in the making?

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