Friday, March 28, 2003

What's in store for the troops of war criminals. Have a look at this dated 24/03/03.

    The U.S.-led force in Iraq risks as many as 3,000 casualties in the battle for Baghdad and Washington has underestimated the number of troops needed, a top former commander from the 1991 Gulf War said on Monday. Retired U.S. Army General Barry McCaffrey, commander of the 24th Infantry Division 12 years ago, said the U.S.-led force faced "a very dicey two to three day battle" as it pushes north toward the Iraqi capital.

Is McCaffrey right about the number of troops?

    U.S. military officials say they are sending an additional 100,000 troops to the Persian Gulf to reinforce the coalition force operating in Iraq.

    Meanwhile, the U.S. Army's senior ground commander in Iraq has hinted at why the U.S. is sending so many more troops to the Gulf. In an interview published in the Washington Post, Lieutenant General William S. Wallace said U.S. forces had not expected the sort of guerilla-style tactics that they have been faced with in Iraq.

    And he admitted that it was beginning to look like the war would last much longer than some military planners had forecast.

How about the 3, 000 casualties?....heroes they might have been but for the illegaility....of the criminality.....

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