Tuesday, March 04, 2003

This reminds me of something that took place years ago...

While I've heard enough of "The Maths teacher explained everything to us in his tuition class yesterday afternoon", I think we sometimes forget the opposite often.

It was a form three class preparing for SRP (as it was called then) and the Maths teacher was very unhappy.

"Saya Cina tau! Kamu semua Melayu!"

"Saya sanggup tunggu sampai petang sebab nak buat kelas tambahan tapi tak sampai 5 orang yang datang."

While my Maths did improve, I learnt a lot more from her that day. I learnt that not all Chinese are bad. I learnt that not all Malays are good. I learnt that my Chinese teacher care about the more than 40 Malay students in my class. I learnt that racism has got no place in my life, EVER. I learnt that if you pay attention to the person, not his or her racial backgroud, you'll know the real person and you'll forget the differences. Thanks Ms Chua.

And I know that she's not paid extra for going the extra mile for us.....

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