Thursday, March 06, 2003

The latest we heard about the war is that it will resolve the middle-east conflict. To Muslims out there, it is also for the betterment of the Palestinians. Sounds familiar? Check out what was said mid of last year.

    It is untenable for Israeli citizens to live in terror. It is untenable for Palestinians to live in squalor and occupation.

    Yeah, the Palestinians are not living in terror

    I can understand the deep anger and despair of the Palestinian people. For decades you've been treated as pawns in the Middle East conflict.

That was then. It was then that there was the plea "to choose peace, and hope, and life". However, more than 6 months down the road, we are still awaiting the road-maps to peace and now we again hear the same script being repeated. Though Bush seems to have learned from his observation.

Who is using the Palestinians as pawn now? But that doesn't make you right.

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