Thursday, March 06, 2003

This is refreshing! APM is urging Malaysians to "discard the third world mentality."

    Malaysians must learn to stand o­n their own feet, stop relying o­n the government as a "provider of contracts and concessions" and fight corruption.

    Malaysians lacked "world-class management and working practices" to be competitive

Let's see what makes a country third world.

    distorted and highly dependent economies devoted to producing primary products for the developed world and to provide markets for their finished goods; traditional, rural social structures; high population growth; and widespread poverty.

    Nevertheless, the third world is sharply differentiated, for it includes countries on various levels of economic development.

    And despite the poverty of the countryside and the urban shantytowns, the ruling elites of most third world countries are wealthy.


Are we?

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